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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS);faqs.213
Archive-name: consumer-credit-faq/diff4
Last-modified: 21 Aug 1992
Please see part 1 for explanations.
< Last-modified: 21 Aug 1992
> Last-modified: 21 Oct 1992
> Latest reports have TRW dropping this rating, but I have not been able
> to confirm this with my previous source.
The opinions expressed above are those of the author and not SPSS, Inc.
adams@spss.com Phone: (312) 329-3522
Steve Adams "Space-age cybernomad" Fax: (312) 329-3558
Xref: bloom-picayune.mit.edu misc.consumers:61097 news.answers:4272
Path: bloom-picayune.mit.edu!enterpoop.mit.edu!spool.mu.edu!olivea!pagesat!spssig.spss.com!adams
From: adams@spss.com (Steve Adams)
Newsgroups: misc.consumers,news.answers
Subject: misc.consumers FAQ on credit part 1 of 4
Message-ID: <1992Nov30.140238.631@spss.com>
Date: 30 Nov 92 14:02:38 GMT
Expires: Thu, 14 Jan 1993 14:02:39 GMT
References: none
Sender: news@spss.com (Net News Admin)
Followup-To: misc.consumers
Distribution: usa
Organization: SPSS Inc.
Lines: 284
Approved: news-answers-request@MIT.Edu
Supersedes: <1992Oct23.174657.8307@spss.com>
Archive-name: consumer-credit-faq/part1
Last-modified: 21 Oct 1992
Many questions are frequently asked on misc.consumers. This FAQ tries
to answer questions about one area, namely consumer credit. (Even within
that area, there's so much information that the FAQ is specialized in credit
cards and credit reports.) I hope others will put together similar
lists in other areas. Such lists can be forwarded to me for posting and
This FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) list should be a repository of the
canonical "best" answers. If you know a better answer or a change that
improves an answer, please tell me! (Use email, please. Traffic in
this group is high, and I might easily miss a relevant posted article.)
Steve Adams, SPSS, Inc., Chicago, IL, USA
Because this FAQ list is quite long, it is divided into four parts.
Part 1 (this file) is a table of contents, so that you can see easily
whether your question is answered in the other two parts. (If you have
last month's version, you may want to look at the diffs rather than
reread these four long articles. Look for "misc.consumers FAQ on
credit diff" in the Subject lines.)
Contents of part 2 (credit cards)
section 1. Credit cards, other cards
101. What kinds of cards are there?
102. What is an affinity card?
103. Is MasterCard better than Visa, or vice versa? What about
American Express, Diners Club, etc.?
104. Why does my neighbor's MasterCard or Visa have different rates
and fees from mine?
105. What is a secured card?
106. What is a guaranteed card?
107. What is an unsecured card?
108. What is a debit card?
109. How does an ATM card differ from a debit card?
110. Where can I find information about telephone credit cards?
section 2. Good deals, bad deals
201. In general, what should I look for in a credit card?
202. Do I want a fixed-rate or floating-rate (variable-rate) card?
203. How do annual fees work?
204. Can I get the annual fee waived at renewal time?
205. What about application fees?
206. What other fees should I be concerned about?
207. Why is a grace period important?
208. Why is a discount better than a rebate?
209. What else should I watch out for in cards with rebates?
210. How do I evaluate a secured card?
211. Shouldn't I get as many cards as I can?
212. Why would I want more than one of the same kind of card?
213. Is a gold card worth the higher annual fee?
214. I was mailed a solicitation for a Visa or MasterCard that
accrues frequent-flyer miles on my purchases. Is this a good
215. I belong to the Benevolent Order of Mumble, and they mailed me
a credit-card solicitation. It would be a MasterCard with
their logo on it. Is this a good deal?
216. My bank offered me a deal if I would agree to set up my
checking account for automatic withdrawal on the due date to
pay the credit card. Is this a good idea?
217. I got a call (or saw an ad) inviting me to call a 900 number
for a "guaranteed" MasterCard or Visa. Is this a good deal?
218. What should I watch out for in a corporate card?
219. I saw an ad for a card I've never heard of. What's the story?
220. I got an application for a card that didn't state interest rate
and fees. Is this legal?
section 3. Lists of good cards
301. Where are lists of the best cards?
302. I don't want to look up magazines. Isn't there an easier way?
303. I understand why low rates or no annual fees are important.
Why would I care about which banks issue the most cards?
304. Okay, I know that First Mumble Bank of Fubar has a card I want
to apply for. How do I get in touch?
Contents of part 3 (credit cards continued)
section 4. When you buy with a credit card
401. Is it better to pay by check or by credit card, as a rule?
402. When I make a purchase, can they ask for my address or phone
403. If it's against the rules, why do merchants insist on address
or phone number?
404. What should I do when asked for personal information I don't
want to give?
405. I tried to charge a $10 item but the merchant pointed to a sign
"minimum charge $20." Is this valid?
406. Can the merchant charge credit-card users more than cash
customers for the same item?
407. I made a hotel reservation, and guaranteed it with my credit
card. When I showed up, the hotel denied my reservation. Have
I any recourse?
408. I paid by check, and the merchant wrote my credit-card number
on the back. If the check bounces, can the merchant charge my
409. Can mail-order merchants charge my card before they ship?
410. Is there any official document that I can take with me to show
merchants who violate the rules?
411. Where should I report merchants who break the rules?
412. Does my payment have to reach the lender by the "due date" on
the bill, or is it enough if I just mail it by the due date?
413. I have a checking or savings account at the same bank as my
Visa or MasterCard. Can the bank freeze my account or take
money from it if I miss a payment on my credit card bill?
section 5. Billing errors and overcharges
501. What kind of problems am I protected against?
502. There's an error on my bill. What should I do?
503. I got ripped off by the merchant. What should I do?
504. Exactly which purchases qualify under the Fair Credit Billing
505. Will the bank get involved right away?
506. What does resolving a problem "in good faith" mean?
507. Any other hints for dealing with a problem merchant?
508. I tried in good faith, but the merchant won't budge. Can the
bank help?
509. What does the bank do when I ask for a chargeback?
510. What happens to finance charges on the disputed amount?
511. What if I paid my bill in full before I noticed a problem?
512. How do I avoid problems with unauthorized charges?
section 6. Miscellaneous credit-card stuff/Fair Debt Collection Act
601. What do the digits in my credit-card number mean?
602. I lost my credit card, or it was stolen. What should I do?
603. What is the 800 number for customer service?
604. Why was I turned down for a credit card?
605. Should I give my credit-card number over the phone?
606. What may creditors do? Fair Debt Collection Act.
Contents of part 4 (credit reports)
section 7. Credit reports--in general
701. What is "the credit bureau"?
702. Who assigns my credit rating?
703. How long does it take for an event (positive or negative) to
show up on my credit report?
704. How does a lender decide whether to grant a loan?
705. Should I apply for as many credit cards and charge accounts as
possible, even if I won't use most of them right away?
706. I was refused a loan or credit card. What can I do?
707. One lender refused my loan, but another one said it was fine.
How can this be?
708. I'm planning to apply for a loan, and I'd like to know up front
that my credit is clean. Can I get a copy?
709. How long do negative items stay in my report?
section 8. Getting and reading your credit report
801. How much does my credit report cost?
802. Can I get a free copy of my own credit report?
803. Can I phone in my request?
804. Where do I mail my request for a credit report?
805. What information should I provide when requesting a report?
806. Help! What are all those codes on my credit report?
807. What are "inquiries" on my credit report?
section 9. Fixing your credit report
901. I've got a copy of my credit report, and it's wrong. What now?
902. What exactly will the credit bureau do with my correction?
903. My credit report shows adverse information, but I have a letter
from the bank saying that information is false. Can I submit
this letter to the credit bureau?
904. The credit bureau ignored my correction -- or it says an item
is right but I can prove it's wrong. What can I do?
905. My credit report shows transactions from other people with the
same name or similar names. How can I get it cleaned up?
906. My spouse and I had joint credit accounts, and s/he ran up a
lot of debts. Now we're divorced, and I want my ex's debts off
my report.
907. I got in trouble and ran up a lot of debts I couldn't pay, and
now my credit report looks awful. How can I get credit?
908. Are "credit repair" agencies legitimate?
The information presented here comes from others' research and from
seemingly well-informed articles in news media and on Usenet. What is
here is true to the best of my understanding, but I am only human (and
I'm not an attorney). Before you rely on any of the information here,
check it out for yourself. This is only a guide.
This list relates to law and custom in the U.S. and should not be taken
as a guide to consumer credit in other nations. Also, it concentrates
on Federal law as opposed to state laws, which vary widely. State law
may give you important protections in addition to those from Federal
law, but in every state you have _at_least_ the protections derived from
Federal law and listed here. I'm always interested in state and local
comparisons, but by design I omit almost all state information from this
list: it's long enough already!
Other resources
The Federal Reserve System publishes a series of pamphlets that describe
your legal rights and advise you on conducting your financial affairs.
Most are free or cost well under $1. You can get a free index of them
from your nearest Federal Reserve Bank; ask for the catalog {Public
Information Materials}. (If you don't know where the nearest Federal
Reserve Bank is, any bank can tell you.) Readers of this FAQ list will
be especially interested in the publications listed on six pages under
"Consumer Finance," most intended for the general public. There are
also many publications on home-equity loans and other home mortgages.
The Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council puts out a
booklet called {Consumer Rights}. It lists the Federal laws that
protect consumers' rights and explains how to make complaints against
financial institutions. I picked up a copy in the literature rack
at the FRB of Cleveland; you might try writing the Council at 1776 G
Street NW, suite 850B, Washington DC 20006 or ask at your library.
General net usage
Many FAQs on most newsgroups are really about how to use the net, your
newsreader, or email, or what is proper netiquette. If you don't know
about that stuff, you are strongly urged to subscribe to either
news.newusers.questions or news.announce.newusers, or both.
You may also be interested in news.answers, which collects FAQ lists for
many newsgroups. That newsgroup should have a long expiry time at your
site; if not, talk to your sysadmin. FAQ lists are also available by
anonymous FTP or email from pit-manager.mit.edu; see details below.
I want to thank the many misc.consumers readers who've sent corrections
and suggestions since the first edition of this list in summer of 1991.
I regret that I cannot thank most of them by name, because I failed to
keep track of correspondents' names and addresses for the first six or
seven months. The following have contributed after 25 Dec 1991:
Muhammad Basit, Bill Branum, Craig Browning, Jim Burke, Dale Finn, David
Grabiner, Joe Konstan, Tim Lee, John Levine, Roger Lustig, Will Martin,
Dave Niebuhr, Rich Salz, Robert Sawyer, Mark Schuldenfrei, Russell Schulz,
Carol Springs, William December Starr, Ivan Weisz, David Whiteman, Tom
Wicklund, Hongfei Zhang
Special thanks goes to Stan Brown, who originated this FAQ.
For updated copies of the complete misc.consumers FAQ on credit, please
look first in news.answers for articles with subject lines like this
article's. New versions are posted around the third week of each month,
in such a way that they should not expire until the following month's
version is posted. If you can't find the current edition in
news.answers, use ftp to pit-manager.mit.edu [] to retrieve
these files:
If you can't find the FAQs in news.answers and you have no ftp access,
send a message with the following text
send usenet/news.answers/consumer-credit-faq/part1
send usenet/news.answers/consumer-credit-faq/part2
send usenet/news.answers/consumer-credit-faq/part3
and no subject to mail-server@pit-manager.mit.edu. Add "help" on a
separate line for instructions on using the server.
(continued in part 2)
The opinions expressed above are those of the author and not SPSS, Inc.
adams@spss.com Phone: (312) 329-3522
Steve Adams "Space-age cybernomad" Fax: (312) 329-3558
Xref: bloom-picayune.mit.edu misc.consumers:61098 news.answers:4273
Path: bloom-picayune.mit.edu!enterpoop.mit.edu!spool.mu.edu!olivea!pagesat!spssig.spss.com!adams
From: adams@spss.com (Steve Adams)
Newsgroups: misc.consumers,news.answers
Subject: misc.consumers FAQ on credit part 2 of 4
Keywords: credit-cards chargebacks consumer-rights
Message-ID: <1992Nov30.140358.699@spss.com>
Date: 30 Nov 92 14:03:58 GMT
Expires: Thu, 14 Jan 1993 14:03:58 GMT
References: <1992Nov30.140238.631@spss.com>
Sender: news@spss.com (Net News Admin)
Followup-To: misc.consumers
Distribution: usa
Organization: SPSS Inc.
Lines: 630
Approved: news-answers-request@MIT.Edu
Supersedes: <1992Oct23.174747.8378@spss.com>
Archive-name: consumer-credit-faq/part2
Last-modified: 21 Oct 1992
This FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) list should be a repository of the
canonical "best" answers. If you know a better answer or a change that
improves an answer, please tell me! (Use email, please. Traffic in
this group is high, and I might miss a relevant posted article.)
Steve Adams, SPSS, Inc., Chicago, IL, USA
Because this list is quite long, I am posting it in four parts:
part 1 of 4: detailed contents and introduction
part 2 of 4: credit cards (this file)
part 3 of 4: credit cards continued
part 4 of 4: credit reports
Please read the disclaimers, acknowledgements, and general information
in part 1. (The most important disclaimer is that I am not a lawyer and
this file is not to be construed as legal advice.)
Some helpful free pamphlets are available from the FRB. You can write
to Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, Publications
Services, MS-138, Washington DC 20551 for these among others:
- How to File a Consumer Credit Complaint
- Consumer Handbook to Credit Protection Laws
The phone number is (202) 452-3244 in case they accept phone orders.
See part 1 of this FAQ list to obtain a catalog of FRB publications,
including many on home-equity loans and other home mortgages.
section 1. Credit cards, other cards
EDITOR's NOTE: I rarely use credit cards, but did use them quite
a bit in the past. This information is compiled
from numerous sources, and is as accurate as such
information can be.
This section tells you about the types of credit cards, and some
non-credit cards.
Q101. What kinds of cards are there?
- "bank cards," issued by banks: Visa, MasterCard, and Discover;
- "travel and entertainment (T&E) cards" like American Express and
Diners Club;
- "house cards" that are good only at the stores of one chain.
Sears is the biggest one of these, followed by the oil companies
and phone companies and on down to your local department store.
T&E cards and national house cards like Sears have the same terms
and conditions wherever you apply.
Bank cards are issued by the bank you apply to, which is why terms
and fees vary widely among banks. However, MasterCard International
and Visa U.S.A. Inc. do establish minimum standards and rules.
Bank cards have some subspecies, described below.
Q102. What is an affinity card?
An affinity card carries the logo of an organization in addition to
the emblem of the card. It is typically a Visa or MasterCard.
Sometimes card users get frequent-flyer miles or points toward
merchandise from a catalog. The organization solicits all its
members to get cards (or even turns over its mailing list). In
return it gets some fraction of the annual fee or of the finance
charge, or some amount per transaction, or a combination of
incentives. Seldom does the organization get much money out of it:
most of the profits go to the card issuer.
See section 2, "Good deals, bad deals," for how to evaluate these
Q103. Is MasterCard better than Visa, or vice versa? What about
American Express, Diners Club, etc.?
In the U.S., almost any establishment that takes MasterCard takes
Visa, and vice versa. In Europe, many establishments take just one
or the other. If you're going to be doing all your spending in the
U.S., you may not want or need both cards.
American Express, Diners Club, and their kin were originally aimed
at the more upscale "travel and entertainment" market. They are
accepted at many places, though not as many as Visa and MC. Some
places don't take MC and Visa but do take American Express or DC.
I don't have an AmEx card, but someone who does posted a list of the
benefits he had actually used in a year and concluded that the card
was worth more money to him than the annual fee. He cited student
and non-student discounts for air travel, extra frequent-flyer miles
for a variety of airlines, and "twofers" at some big-city
restaurants. Your benefit will be different if your charging
patterns are different.
The best card for you is the one that is accepted where you shop and
charges you the least amount of money for the services you actually
use. (For example, if you always pay off your balance each month,
you want to make sure you get a card with a grace period but the
interest rate doesn't matter much.)
Q104. Why does my neighbor's MasterCard or Visa have different rates and
fees from mine?
MasterCard and Visa rates are set independently by the banks that
issue them. In fact, a given bank may offer several different rate
and fee schedules. Sometimes you can pick which one you want; other
times the bank will offer you a single set of terms with no option,
even though it offers another customer a different set of terms.
That's why it's worth shopping around rather than just applying for
"a MasterCard" or "a Visa." See section 2, "Good deals, bad deals."
This is not true of the T&E cards. One American Express green card
is like all other American Express green cards in the country.
(Corporate AmEx cards may vary from individual ones.)
Q105. What is a secured card?
Secured cards require you to make a bank deposit up front. The
limit on the card is usually related to the amount of the bank
deposit. The bank has the right to take money from your deposit if
you don't pay your bill.
Secured cards are usually sold to people who have credit problems
and can't get a regular "unsecured" card. But a secured card from a
bank may be a good deal for anyone; see section 2, "Good deals, bad
A secured MasterCard or Visa looks just like a regular one, and the
law ensures that it has all the same consumer protections built in.
Q106. What is a guaranteed card?
It's another name for a secured card, typically offered through 900
numbers. Though technically legal, these are not a good deal for
the consumer when they carry an application fee or a 900-number
charge; see section 2, "Good deals, bad deals."
Q107. What is an unsecured card?
You may not often hear this term. Technically, a "regular" card is
unsecured. This means that the bank can't take specific assets of
yours if you don't pay the loan, but rather they have to sue you or
force you into bankruptcy.
Q108. What is a debit card?
As its name implies, it is not a credit card. Instead of running up
a bill for you at the end of the month, the debit card runs down
your account at the moment the sale is made. Merchants like these
because they get instant payment without worrying about bad checks.
Debit cards are convenient. But it's a lot more painful to resolve
a problem if the money is gone from your account (as with a debit
card) than if it's just numbers on a piece of paper (as with a
credit card). And if you lose a debit card, your whole account can
be cleaned out with no recourse for you. You decide whether you
want to take on that risk.
A reader has reported that his Schwab account has a debit-type card
associated with it, but it is treated like a credit card for other
purposes. In other words, it is a credit card, but the debit is made
immediately to his Schwab account.
Consumers in the know don't like debit cards because they give you
less protection in case of disputes than credit cards do. (See
section 5, "Billing errors and overcharges.")
Q109. How does an ATM card differ from a debit card?
An ATM (automatic teller machine) card is a form of debit card, but
you use it in a cash machine by punching in your code number. (In
common speech, "debit card" means the kind that looks like a credit
card, where you sign for purchases.)
The ATM card is a little less dangerous if you lose it, since nobody
can use it to drain your account without your PIN (personal identi-
fication number). Also, most banks limit the amount of cash that
can be withdrawn every day on an ATM card. On the other hand a Visa
or MC debit card lets where a thief clean out your whole account
with one purchase.
By the way, some banks are now issuing combined ATM-debit cards.
Depending on your viewpoint, this gives you the advantages or the
disadvantages of both.
Q110. Where can I find information about telephone credit cards?
Subscribe to the newsgroup comp.dcom.telecom and watch for the
periodic posting on how to use the Telecom archives. Please don't
post requests for credit-card information there.
You should also be aware of hybrid cards like the AT&T Universal
card (both MasterCard and Visa) and the Ameritech Complete
MasterCard, which act like regular bank cards but also let you
charge phone calls.
section 2. Good deals, bad deals
This section guides you to the questions you should ask yourself in
evaluating any credit card before you apply.
Q201. In general, what should I look for in a credit card?
There are three principal features to the card itself: interest
rate, annual fee, and grace period. By law, all must be disclosed
at the time you apply. (They are discussed in the following Qs.)
Some cards, such as Discover and the new Ameritech Complete Master-
Card, pay rebates as well. Some cards offer other features like
frequent-flyer miles and extended warranties on purchases. You have
to decide how much those are worth to you.
Also important is the pattern of your shopping: a card that your
favorite merchants don't honor isn't much good to you.
Q202. Do I want a fixed-rate or floating-rate (variable-rate) card?
The interest rate is the rate charged on purchases and cash advances
(generally two different rates). It can be fixed or floating.
Fixed rates are not truly fixed, because the banks will change them
every year or so. Floating rates are typically a bit lower than
fixed rates, but fluctuate every month according to the latest
T-bill sale, or the phase of the moon, or whatever. If you buy
something you're expecting to pay off over many months, this makes
it hard to guess how much finance charge you'll be paying.
Floating rate and variable rate mean the same thing.
Years ago, credit-card issuers would quote an interest rate that was
not directly comparable with other lenders' rates because the method
of computation was not standard. Now the law requires lenders to
quote an Annual Percentage Rate (APR) so that you can compare cards.
Interest rates are all over the map. In a recent {Wall Street
Journal} list, a secured card was as low as 8.0% and an unsecured
card as low as 10.5%; you may also see interest rates as high as
Q203. How do annual fees work?
The annual fee is, well, a fee that the card issuer bills to your
account annually. Every year, on the anniversary of the date your
account was opened, the fee for the coming year is billed to your
account. Typical charges are $18-$20 for regular bank cards (about
$40 for gold bank cards) and anywhere from $35 on up for various
flavors of T&E cards. House cards are typically free.
Many lenders waive the fee the first year to get you to sign up,
then depend on you to forget a year later that you'll be charged an
annual renewal fee. There's nothing shady about this as long as
it's disclosed up front.
The AT&T Universal Card no-annual-fee offer has expired. If you
don't have an AT&T Universal Card now, you can apply for one but you
may have to pay an annual fee. However, AT&T is still inviting some
people to apply for a no-fee card.
Q204. Can I get the annual fee waived at renewal time?
Many lenders have "secret" programs in effect where if you ask them
they will waive the annual fee. (AT&T confirmed on 19 March 1992
that it is waiving the fee on its Universal cards for at least some
customers who ask.) Some do it only if you charge a certain amount
per year; others have other criteria. It certainly can't hurt to
call just before renewal time and ask. (If you wait until after the
fee is already on your statement, your chances aren't as good.)